What is the Cost of a Typical Key Cutting Job in Melbourne?

If you ask for the locksmiths during normal hours, you will get them at a cheaper rate. Some of the typical costs at the time of normal working hours are like that $100 for the two-door locks, $200 for seven locked rekeyed, $50 to reinstall a cylindrical push button that may be installed incorrectly in the past. You can have the idea total cost for Key Cutting Melbourne as above mentioned all the rates are approximate. If a question arises that how much does a locksmith cost? Then it is really difficult to answer this question because their rates will totally depend on the work they do and they can do so much more even that you can’t even imagine.

Key Cutting Melbourne

Imagine a locksmith in Australia costs around $15-$330, that is according to their job. And the small tasks like rekeying a lock and providing at least two keys can cost as little as $15-$20. On the other hand, emergency services that complete after hours of hard work cost something like $250-$350 depending on a locksmith.

The cost of typical key cutting services in Melbourne:

If we talk about the average annual salary of locksmiths in Melbourne it is almost about $61000. Otherwise, the cost of locksmith services will depend on several other factors. At the time of normal working hours, they will receive the cheaper rates. Some of the typical costs during normal working hours are like

  • $100 for the two-door locks
  • $200 for the seven locked rekeyed
  • $50 for the installation of a cylindrical push-button lock that may be installed improperly.
  • $200 for external door fitting and lock installation.

These mentioned rates are the approximate prices only and there is no involvement of call-out rates that are approximately $65 to $110. If you consider the fact that a locksmith has to come your home from all the way to do the work. The mentioned prices are very reasonable as there will be travel expenses too as well as time investment of the locksmith.

In general, the locksmiths may charge that doesn’t include theirs-out fees of them:

  • From $15 to $19 along with GST to re-key a lock and provide two keys with it.
  • And $50 to have a new key for a lock (it includes 2 keys)
  • The labor cost of lock repair is $66 for a day.

The work after the working hours is a bit more expensive. Some typical after-hours charges are like:

  • $175 is a common rate for just before and even after the normal working hours.
  • $220 is a typical rate for 9:00 p.m. to midnight only for emergency cases.
  • $330 are the charges for midnight services.

The cost of locksmiths varies in every case depending on the work and its complexity. Here you can take an example as:

  • The cost varies from $30 to $300 for the loch change but depending on the type of locks.
  • The rekeying of a lock without touching and changing the pins costs about $15 to $20 as per the door.
  • Rekeying can cost about $40 and $100 and if a locksmith rearranges the pins of the lock so that old key cannot work
  • And also the key cutting costs from $4 to $20 just depending on the type of key.

These costs do not involve the call-out fees if a locksmith comes to your home to do work for you.

The cost of locksmiths varies on different aspects that depend on the services you need. For this, they have to keep account of the rates of their time and travel. So, it is even more important to find a locksmith that lives near your home location. This way you can save at least the travel and time expenses of hiring them.

Culmination: This article will help you to get an idea of the cost of Key CuttingHowever, all the above-mentioned prices are not accurate as they differ in several aspects. So, consider these costs and prices in the article as an indicative ones and you can use them as a guide.


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